Investors Excellence

Investors Excellence

Innovation and change are always associated with investment. Companies are dependent on investments, be it proactively in the form of further and new product developments, or reactively in the form of restructuring or reorganization.

SLA Leadership Skills GmbH has specialized in this respect in three directions:

The first field of service consists of the professional support of the investor (capital provider) regarding the project-related investment. We focus on the management and control of the investment as well as the strategic risk and opportunity management.

The second service field consists of the professional support of the capital seeker regarding the assessment of the project, investor search, preparation of data, figures, facts, development of the negotiation strategy, negotiation management with success guarantee.

The third service field consists of investigative tasks (economic investigations).
Economic detectives trained in criminalistics uncover and secure evidence.
Our focus is on investigations and observations in cases such as theft, embezzlement, fraud, industrial espionage, patent infringements, misuse of working hours, and the abuse of social or legal benefits.

For further information and our presentation on this topic please contact us here.